Contributors and Partners


Advanced Battery Concepts
American Mitsuba
AKT Peerless Environmental 
Apex Clean Energy, Inc. 
Bandit Industries
Bigard & Huggard
Central Asphalt
Central Concrete
Commercial Bank
Consumers Energy
Cops & Doughnuts
Fabiano Brothers
Fisher Transport
Future Mold
Great Lakes Bay Economic Club
Highland Plastics
Isabella Bank
Isabella Community Credit Union 
Jay’s Sporting Goods 
JBS Contracting, Inc. 
Konwinski Construction 
Kyle’s Manufacturing
McLaren Central Michigan 
Mercantile Bank
Mid Michigan Health 
Melling Products North
Mount Pleasant Commerce Center
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe
Spence Brothers
Roger’s Group/StageRight
TCF Bank
Weinlander Fitzhugh
Wildlife Gallery


Central Michigan University 
Charter Township of Union 
City of Clare
City of Harrison
City of Mount Pleasant
Hayes Township
Isabella County
Mid Michigan College
Village of Farwell